Dover Health Care Center

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The Struggles of Bed-wetting

The Nature of Nocturnal Enuresis

It is common, but often hidden. It is embarrassing for the littles who experience bedwetting, and can even disrupt their development, socially and in self esteem.

Bed-wetting is called, nocturnal enuresis.

As we are aware, our bladder is a muscular receptacle for our pee or urine. It expands to hold urine and then contracts to push the pee out. The nerves in the bladder send a message to the brain when the bladder is full. Then, the brain sends back the message to the bladder to control from emptying until you are ready to go to the bathroom.

Individuals who are experiencing nocturnal enuresis have a problem in controlling their bladder that causes them to involuntarily pee at night. The causes may be hormonal, psychological/emotional, physical or functional.

It could be hormonal problems in which your body produces a lot of urine while sleeping. This can be a functional problem with communication in the body.

Bladder problems that involve too many muscle spasms in the bladder can prevent from holding a normal volume of urine. This can be a physical issue.

For some, emotions and stress play a large part in the ability to get sound sleep without wetting the bed.

Chiropractic Can Manage Bed-wetting?

As a parent, you would probably feel your child’s stigma of being a bed-wetter. Your child feels the anguish and displeasure of wetting his bed nightly. Also, your child may be nervous to spend overnight away from home, joining in their school’s camp, or go on trips because of the fear of a wet bed in the morning.

Psychologically, the bed-wetting child bears the burden, and so the parents. Bear in mind that this condition is never intentional for kids to wet their beds.

Chiropractors point to a structural problem that results in neurological distress called subluxation complex. Subluxation is the lack of proper positioning or motion of a spinal joint.

There are certain parts in the spinal column that provide nerve supply to the bladder and sphincter muscle. The sphincter valve, which is composed of muscles, is responsible to control the release of urine from the bladder. 

There is also the phrenic nerve which supplies the diaphragm in order for us to breathe. The phrenic reflex occurs when carbon dioxide levels in the blood get too high causing smooth muscles to relax. This is also the time we exhale or breathe out air.

The sphincter valve is composed of smooth muscles. Since kids are usually in deep sleep, their CO2 concentrations rise and the smooth muscle fibers are likely to relax. This condition will result in awakening the child in a wet bed.

The subluxation can cause nerve interference which can interfere with the proper functioning of the phrenic reflex that causes bedwetting.

Chiropractors do the spinal adjustments for these vertebral subluxations and thus influence the return of proper nerve function.

The Chiropractic Approach

Chiropractic focuses on functionality of the nervous system. When the nerves and communication in the body are functioning as they are intended, the body thrives.

At Dover Health Care Center, the best office in Delaware for chiropractic care, the doctors focus on gentle techniques that help children function well.

This is a common reason parents bring in their littles. Many parents report a decrease in bed-wetting, or complete resolve of bed-wetting when the kiddo is under care.

Chiropractic is also very synergistic with other approaches and works well in a dynamic approach such as counseling, lifestyle changes, and chiropractic adjustments.

The goal for all practitioners is to see the child improve and be able to express their best self.