Back to School Tips

brain health to for back to school

Going back to school and having a full change of schedule and structure can be a hard transition for children and families.

Here are our best tips and tricks to help you support your child or teen as they prepare for the big transition of going back to school. These tips are to help support their brain and nervous system.

  1. Visit the classroom before school starts. Help the student see what first day of school will look like. This helps the room become familiar and can decrease anxiety because they will know the location of their room.

  2. Meet with the teacher and take a moment to interact with and without a facemask. Familiarity can help the brain stay calm and function better.

  3. Drive the route to school together and drive possible variations. Do this often to make the drive very familiar and maybe even fun!

  4. Create a dedicated space in the home for online learning and homework. Create this space well in advance of the first class.

  5. Give your child some control in the creation of your at home learning space. Let them have a say in making it feel more like their space.

If you are interested in more brain based tips or even getting your child under chiropractic care and the Brain Blossom Program, reach out to us as (302) 736-0330.


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