Chiropractic Techniques
Our doctors practice a variety of chiropractic adjusting techniques – all highly effective approaches to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference.
At DHCC we know that healthcare often needs a multifaceted approach. We provide our patients with a team of experts to help them on their journey to optimal health and wellness.
After an evaluation of your spinal function, posture, and vertebral alignment, our doctors will identify the specific vertebrae within your spine that are misaligned or not moving properly. The doctor will then perform a specific and gentle adjustment with his/her hands to restore the misaligned vertebrae, also known as a subluxation, into its proper position and movement pattern.
A handheld adjusting instrument, known as an Activator, is a chiropractic tool that delivers a low-force adjustment to a very specific area of the body. Because the instrument provides such a low-force thrust, it is often very comfortable for all patients, while still providing effectiveness in aligning the spine and trigger point reduction of the surrounding musculature. This is also a helpful way to adjust other joints such as elbows, wrists, and knees.
Webster Technique
The Webster Technique, which specifically balances the pregnant woman’s pelvis, allow for proper movement for the baby to obtain the optimal head down position. Keeping the body, especially the pelvis balanced throughout pregnancy is beneficial to both mother and baby. As a woman progresses throughout pregnancy, she will experience changes in her posture and body mechanics due to her growing belly. In addition to these physical changes, she will also have an increased amount of relaxin hormone, which causes a laxity in her ligaments. This is to prepare her body for delivery, but also subjects her to be more likely to obtain vertebral subluxations and mis-positions of her pelvis, even with simple movements.
Sacral Occipital Technique
Sacral Occipital Technique focuses on restoring function in the body through creating balance in the occiput and pelvis. This technique is gentle and low force that works with gravity to restore function in the pelvis. This is done by putting wedge shaped blocks beneath your hip bones in a specific manner, using the weight of your body and gravity, to create balance in the pelvis. This technique is known for safety and comfort for patients.
Extremity Adjusting
Did you know that your elbows, wrists, knees, and other joints outside your spine can be adjusted too? Often, people struggle with pain in their joints that are caused by a misalignment. Dr. Chi has extra training in extremity adjusting .