The Nervous System


 Life is lived through our nervous system. The nervous system is responsible for how we handle our senses --taste, smell, touch, sound, and sight. Our body movements and the functioning of our vital organs are also controlled by the nervous system. Indeed, the nervous system serves as the control center of our body.

The nervous system regulates the processes through signals all over the body. It serves as the instrument by which signals are transmitted to the brain and directs our body to respond appropriately.

However, there are instances that communication interferences do occur within our nervous system which we call spinal subluxations. These occur when there are misalignments within the spine that compress the spinal nerves that leads to a variety of illnesses. Chiropractic adjustments are performed to correct these misalignments. 

While chiropractic adjustments do not cure diseases, various research studies have proven that such do create favorable effects on the overall soundness of the nervous system. Similarly, this would translate to correcting any nervous system dysfunction.  

The Central Nervous System

The central nervous system, consisting of the brain and the spinal cord, communicates to the rest of the body through the spinal nerves. These nerves are the veins and arteries which are protected by bones, the skull, and the spine itself. With this, chiropractic adjustments would work on the spine, which is synonymous with ‘balancing the body’s nervous system’.

Research studies have proven that chiropractic adjustments have a positive impact on the functioning of the spine, brain, and the vital organs that can provide overall health and wellness benefits.

The Autonomic Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for the control of the vital involuntary functions of our body. This refers to the heartbeat, blood pressure, and breathing. A healthy and balanced autonomic nervous system is achieved through a healthy diet, regulated body movements, reduced emotional stress, and deep breathing. All these factors create an environment conducive for a restful sleep to the individual. It is on this premise that improved sleep quality is closely linked to a balanced autonomic nervous system.

Achieving quality sleep would require balance in the autonomic nervous system. The body produces hormones in order to induce sleep, rest, and healing. A quality sleep would be easy to achieve when sleep hormones become balance within the body. On the contrary, imbalances in the autonomic nervous system would cause sleep deprivation issues.

Posture, biomechanical structure, and spinal movement play a significant role in regulating hormone balance that no drug or medication can resolve. The spine consists of microscopic and densely populated neurons and receptors embedded in the muscles, ligaments, and joints. These neurons, in turn, are communicating with the brain every second of your entire lifetime.

Altered autonomic nervous system balance results from abnormal movement or misalignment in the spine that may be due to incorrect posture, unhealthy lifestyle such as alcoholism, emotional stress, pollution, and lack of exercise.  Healing and rest can hardly be achieved when the body struggles to communicate with the brain.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic adjustments help remove interferences in the autonomic nervous system, balance stress and sleep hormones. This would then enable the body to achieve better rest and sleep.

Patients who receive spinal adjustments experience improvements in stress hormone balance. Moreover, many other health conditions also improve mainly due to the powerful impact that radiates from the spine following regular spinal adjustments.

Also, for the central nervous system, better hormone balance occurs with every chiropractic adjustment. The patient would have an improved rest and recovery as a side effect in achieving a healthy spine and autonomic system.  The patient will also significantly decrease his/her dependence on drugs and medications. A better and healthful rest and overall wellness would ultimately be the outcome.

To live your life fully aligned and balanced, you may consider including in your health regimen a regular chiropractic visit at Dover Health Care Center! Your visit will perfectly heal your body naturally and savor the benefits of healthy body movements. 


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