Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care


Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life and the care she receives should be just as special!
Pregnancy and child birth are physically demanding on a woman’s body and both will change her body’s posture, structure, and hormone levels. Often these changes will cause a woman discomfort and even pain. Fortunately, chiropractic care throughout pregnancy is safe and gentle and has been proven to help women carry their child and have an easier and more comfortable birthing experience!

All doctors at DHCC are certified in The Webster Technique, which specifically balances the pregnant woman’s pelvis to allow proper movement for the baby to obtain the optimal head down position. Keeping the body, especially the pelvis balanced throughout pregnancy is beneficial to both mother and baby. As a woman progresses throughout pregnancy, she will experience changes in her posture and body mechanics due to her growing belly. In addition to these physical changes, she will also have an increased amount of relaxin hormone, which causes a laxity in her ligaments. This is to prepare her body for delivery, but also subjects her to be more likely to obtain vertebral subluxations and mis-positions of her pelvis, even with simple movements.

The doctors at Dover Health Care Center use specially crafted pregnancy pillows to allow pregnant mothers to lie face down comfortably. DHCC provides safe, gentle, and specific adjustments to help ensure that the mother’s spine and pelvis stay properly aligned throughout pregnancy. The doctors will also address any muscular and ligamental imbalances, specifically in the pelvis, to provide mother and baby with the greatest amount of comfort and balance during pregnancy. Chiropractic adjustments throughout pregnancy are absolutely safe for both mother and baby.

A mother does not need to be experiencing pain or discomfort in order to benefit from chiropractic care throughout pregnancy and the DHCC team highly recommends that all women add a chiropractor to their team of birth providers during pregnancy!

If you have any questions about chiropractic care throughout pregnancy, please do not hesitate to call the office. Our doctors and staff would love to provide you with more information.